Tonify Tea 紅棗薑母補血茶

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Benefit: Restore Energy

功效: 補血益氣 驅寒暖宮


Ingredients 配料

  • Red Date 紅棗
  • Aged Ginger 薑母
  • Longan 桂圓
  • Wolfberry 杞子
  • Rose Bud 玫瑰花
  • Black Sugar 黑糖


Serving Suggestion 飲用方法

  1. Empty Contents into Tea Bag 取出配料放入茶袋
  2. Place Tea Bag in a Cup 再將茶袋於杯中
  3. Add 400ml of 90°C Hot Water 加入400毫升90度熱水
  4. Steep for 15 Minutes and Enjoy 浸泡15分鐘後即可享用


Images for illustration purposes only, actual product may vary.
